How to earn money online by blogging

One of the easiest ways on how to earn money online is by having a blog. Blogging is so easy way to earn money online. With your blog you can just post anything you like from any categories of your choice.

Today, more and more bloggers are earning big figures of money online. To name a few, John Chow, Darren Rowse, Arianna Huffington, Pete Cashmore, Mario Lavandeira and a lot more. They arent just earning tens of thousands of dollars but HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars a month. Imagine how big is that? Yes they just earn that money online by blogging.
Honestly speaking, I also earn great from blogging but not as big as their earning. My earning is just enough to spend for my studies and daily living. Yet, I felt its already okay to earn even if its not that big because if you earn online, it means you are or you have been successful with your techniques.
Today, I am gonna be sharing with you how to earn money online by blogging. The points below are the ones I have done and I am proud to say, they are effective because I earned.

How to earn money online by blogging: What is Blogging?

Ok before anything else, let us define first what is blogging.  Blogging is providing information on the net with the use of a blog. In blogging, you are going to post on your blog in a regular basis. You can blog anything you want as long as you like it and the topic is something you love to do.
Blogging is also a great learning vehicle for you since through blogging you can learn how to post in english. You can also find friends from different parts of the globe which I think is more important than just barely earning.
With Blogging you can write in any form beyond your English teacher’s grammar supervision.
As we all know, blogging employs the use of a blog but do you know what is a blog?
A blog is something like your online diary. You can post your daily life, pictures, videos and articles on your blog. Unlike a website, a blog has all its entries arranged in a reverse chronological order wherein the latest post can be seen at the topmost.
Not all blogs are focused on one topic or niche. Some bloggers put all the things they want to share as well as the things they are interested in just a single blog and are then arranged in categories, archives and tags.
The first thing you need to do if you are into blogging or you want to start a blog is to decide what kind of topic you want to post on a regular basis. This is what we call choosing your niche. Some popular niches are making money online, weight loss program, how to create website and more. But as what I have said earlier, you can also have a generic blog. Its a blog which aims to post just any random posts.
After choosing your topic or niche, the next thing you want to do is to secure your domain. Domain is the address called bu universal resource locator or URL. If you choose a specific topic then I suggest you have to buy a domain that is related to your niche. For example you want a blog about earning online like this one then you have to buy a domain wherein the money keywords are present. You can have,,, or the like. If the domain name you want is already taken, you can add “blog” at the end, put “-” after every word, add “a”  the beginning of the domain name as long as the main keywords are present.
If you want to have a generic blog, you can use your name as your domain name. Several famous bloggers use their names are their domain names.
Now, let us talk on how are we  really gonna earn money online by blogging.
Once you have a blog, you have a great chance to earn online.
The first thing you have to do is to drive lots of traffic to your blog. Having lots of traffic means a greater opportunity to earn more and more. Dont forget to convert your traffic to sales or money.
Once you already have a great traffic, apply for google adsense. You can earn money online by google adsense. Google adsense pays you once a visitor clicks on ads you display on your site.
Another way of earning money online from your blog is to sell ad space. You can price any space on your blog to any advertiser who wants to advertise on your site.
You can also promote products on your blog and be an affiliate for that certain product. That is what we call affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can earn commission per sale.
Other company pays a site for a review. Yes you can review any product or company and of course it has payment.
There are lots of ways to earn online really, you will only need to be hardworking to earn money online. Remember, there is no so much easy money online. All needs to be worked on.
So what are you waiting for, start earning money online now from your blog.