19 steps for NEOBUX success

Neobux is the most trusted PTC (Paid To Click) site today. Many people invested big amounts of money because they believed that they can easily get their investment back and cash out big amount of profit.
On the other hand, some people do not want to invest money from their pocket but want to earn real money from neobux. And yes, this is very possible. 

They key to success is the referrals. They’ll give you passive earnings. There are two classification of referrals: the Direct Referral (DR) and the Rented Referral (RR). the more referrals you have, the faster you grow your earnings.
DR’s are those who register neobux using your referral link. RR’s are those can be rented within the neobux system. You can invite your friends, classmates, dorm mates, room mates, and loved ones and become your DR’s.

DR’s are difficult to find nowadays that is why neobux members use the RR system to gain more profits. But RR’s are a little bit difficult to manage. It will end up wasting your time and investment if you will not manage you RR’s properly.
When you search  for strategies all over the internet on how to manage RR’s. They are all just the same. A copy-paste strategies. No one can really say the exact strategy especially when you are still a standard member. But, a new and effective strategy is born, and here it is:

1.  Click all ads everyday
2.  Upon reaching 2$ in your account, transfer it to your rental balance.
3.  Rent 3 referral pack (costs you 0.75$)
4.  Recycle referral if he/she don’t click within 4-5 days, but before doing that, check first his AVG. If he still averages 1.5 click and above, give him 1 or 2 days before recycling.
5.  If you have observed that these referrals are active, extend the 2 of them for 90 days.(costs you 0.62$).
6.  Two weeks after you rented these referrals, rent again for three another pack.
7.  Repeat step 4 and 5
8.  Rent 3 referral pack ( You now have 9 total referrals)
9.  Repeat step 4 and 5
10.  Now, extend the 3 remaining referrals to 90 days if you have enough renting balance.
11.  You now have 9 RR’s who are all extended for 90 days.
12. Again rent 3 referral pack.
13. Extend this referrals for 90 days
14. Now you have 12 RR’s, all extended for 90 days
15.  This time, start renting  bigger referral pack. Advisable is 10 referral pack (costs2.5$)
16. Don’t forget the recycling strategy.
17. Continue renting and extending referrals until you reach 300 RR’s.
18. Stop renting RR’s by this time but don’t forget the recycling strategy.
19. Wait until your main balance hits 90$

**RR= Rented referral
**DR= Direct referral
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  1. এই ব্লগ পোস্ট টি বেশ চমৎকার। Admin কে Thanks.
    আজ থেকে ৫ বৎসর আগেও অনেকেই বিশ্বাস করতে চাইতেন না যে online/ Internet থেকে টাকা ইনকাম করা যায়। কিন্তু খুব মজার বিষয় আজ online/Internet থেকে টাকা ইনকাম করা যায় এ কথা জানেন না এমন মানুষ খুব কমই পাওয়া যাবে । কিন্তু তারপরও Internet থেকে টাকা ইনকাম নিয়ে এখনও অনেক শিক্ষিত মানুষের মাঝে অনেক ভুল ধারনা আছে। আমরা অনেকেই ভেবে থাকতে পারি Internet থেকে টাকা ইনকাম মানে oDesk,Elance এর মত market place এ শুধু কাজ করা। বিষয়টা মোটেই এখানে সিমাবদ্ধ নয়। PTC Site, Neobux and Payza নিয়ে বিস্তারিত জানতে ঘুরে আসতে পারেন http://www.ptcsite-bd.blogspot.com

  2. Neobux is the most trusted PTC (Paid to Click) site today. Distinctive people contributed gigantic measures of trade in for spendable dough light of the way that they perceived that they can without a lot of a stretch recoup their attempt and cash out goliath measure of purpose of inclination.

    On the other hand, two or three people would slant toward not to contribute money from their pocket yet need to augmentation certifiable money from neobux. Moreover yes, this is especially possible.
